VPN Community Member
Post by Carey on Mar 6, 2010 5:30:54 GMT -6
This is where I will post all my reviews of episodes of VS as I read them. I will update as often as I can, and may review several series at the same time. Below is the list of VS, the episode titles and the score they got. The post below has the meaning for each score. Angel 6x01 - Casualties Of War - 7/106x02 - Blackout - 5/106x03 - Freak Like Me - 7/106x04 - Live By The Sword - 6/106x05 - Reward - 7/106x06 - Back In Business - 8/106x07 - Bloodlust - 9/10Season 6 - 7/10The Outcasts 1x01 - Along Came A Spider - 7/10 1x01 - Along Came A Spider (Version 2) - 9/10
VPN Community Member
Post by Carey on Mar 6, 2010 5:35:48 GMT -6
10/10 - Perfect Great character development, intriguing plot. Very few flaws. Overall a top episode.
9/10 - Excellent Slightly flawed, but very good character development and plot.
8/10 - Great Some flaws here and there but the character development and/or plot makes us overlook those.
7/10 - Good Flawed in places but the characers and/or plot bring it up.
6/10 - OK Bad stuff mixed in with the good. Little bit more good than bad though.
5/10- Average Needs work. Has some good stuff, but a bad plot or characterisation.
4/10 - Poor Some good scenes, maybe some relevance to plot/characters but too problematic.
3/10 - Bad Some nuggets of good stuff, but FAR too much bad/useless stuff.
2/10 - Terrible Almost unwatchable/unreadable. Maybe a scene or two or useful stuff, but far too flawed
1/10 - Disastrous Bearly anything worth noticing. Very little "OK" stuff, if any. A failure.
VPN Community Member
Post by Carey on Mar 6, 2010 8:12:24 GMT -6
Angel 6x01 - Casualties Of War
Well OK. My very first review.
It has some really good parts, mainly with Spike. The first bit was excellent, the whole showing the chaos in L.A. The bits with Connor were pretty cool, but killing Eve...I don't know. Doesn't really affect me. Kate is back so extra points there. That end scene was just perfect though. It felt very much like the pilot one, only showing us how far Angel has come. Plus a mention of Doyle!
There were some bad parts as well. Like, not much really happened. It felt more filler than anything. Just gave us a bunch of answers, set up a bunch of stuff and thats it. The whole scene with Angel and Lilah just felt...anticlimatic. We were getting ready for a massive fight, then the demons just stop. The answers seem to come far to easily. Also, Wesley wanted Angel dead so bad, he'd do it in the middle of an apocalypse and for fun?! There must be more going on there. I understand what you were doing for the Hyperion being inhabited already, but it didn't work.
Overall, its a good episode. Better than some season openers, but it has its setbacks as well. Anticlimatic in places, but it was good. I give this a 7/10 Flawed in places but the characers and/or plot bring it up.
Post by Jack Malone on Mar 6, 2010 17:15:56 GMT -6
This looks mad fun! I think I'll do this too. I think most people should have reviewing pages, so that we can tally up the rating marks for the demos we bring out. Great Idea!!
VPN Community Member
Post by Carey on Mar 7, 2010 3:03:13 GMT -6
As much as I would like taking the credit for this, it was originally Jake Diamonds idea over on MZP, so yeah...
VPN Community Member
Post by Carey on Mar 8, 2010 5:11:12 GMT -6
Angel 6x02 - Blackout
Ok, time for the dreaded second episode. Alot of the time the second episode for a season is bad (See Supernatural episode 2), but this one was pretty good.
A pretty cool opening, love the Angel and Spike dialogue. Although I thought they had stopped their continuous fights in the later half of season 5? Wesley and Illyria's dynamic is pretty interesting. I can understand this Wesley, unlike last episode. He seems to be acting in a much more like....a broken Wesley.
Kate was annoying, I took Connors side here. Although him throwing that blade at the cop seemed like he backtracted 2 seasons. Angel doing his thing in the bar, then at Victor was awesome. I'm not sure about when Angel and Kate meet up in Hyperion. Just doesn't feel natural. I could be wrong, but wasn't the last time they saw each other in season 2? So she goes there and just starts apologising? Doesn't work for me, sorry.
The monster appearing as Angel disappears was cool, but the demon just felt really cliche. His dialogue just sucked. So he knew Connor was the Destroyer? Angels whole plan seemed totally useless. Angel at least learned that it was a mistake and it may have helped the tear between him and Wesley.
Angel has visions now. Interesting vision. The thing with Cordelia seemed a little too soon, but it at least seemed to get things back on track.
Quick question: How did Spike know Kate? He ran over to her in the Hyperion and said her name. I don't remember him ever meeting her.
Overall, A pretty cool episode. Clunky in places, it takes half the episode for the demon to appear, then he just dies a little while after that. Some good dialogue, some bad dialogue. Again, not much really happens. Some great scenes, especially with Angel and Spike. Overall, I give this a 5/10. Needs work. Has some good stuff, but a bad plot or characterisation.
Note: I'm still working on a review format so the first few may be a little clunky.
VPN Community Member
Post by Carey on Apr 2, 2010 7:01:09 GMT -6
Angel 6x03 - Freaks Like Me
This episode, Gwen returned, or at least a VERY angry version did. Got involved in a Mob, that just happened to have an army and thats when the episode really started.
The episode begins where the last one ended. Angel gathers the team and sets off to save Gwen while she double-crossed by some Mob guys and gets her ass kicked by one hell of a Demon. Even the Fang Gang has trouble taking it down. The biggest problem is the fight goes on way too long. It was a tough demon, but the point was way too exagerated.
A whole bunch of setting up happens, which is funny in parts (Spike and Illyria, of course), Angel and Kate have the same argument as in the Hyperion, then have a fight with the Mob guys.
The episode really gets good when they finally find the demon army. Wesley gets possessed. L.A. becomes more of a Hell Hole than it was before and the group gets buried in debris. All Awesome. Kate and Connor watch as L.A. is destroyed before the Hyperion is.
Then comes the end. I'll see how this works out, but its feeling very Deus Ex Machina right now. TPTB stepping in at the last minute and telling Angel now how to save L.A. I will see how it plays out, but this could easily fail.
Most of the good stuff happened at the end of the episode this time. It felt truly like this is the beginning of the end. Everything else was just a long set up. A few good parts in it, like anything involving Spike and Illyria. The final scene could easily play out as a Deus Ex Machina. And the flashback of Gwen was just dull.
Overall, it was a step up from the last episode. It was slow for most of the episode but the end was when the shit hit the roof and really upped the quality. I give this a 7/10 Flawed in places but the characers and/or plot bring it up.
VPN Community Member
Post by Carey on Apr 8, 2010 7:59:25 GMT -6
Angel - Live By The Sword
This is the episode to rap up the "L.A. in Hell" arc. Does it succeed with flying colours? Or does it fail to impress? Its a mixture.
It starts off where the last episode left. The team is in ruin, L.A. is getting worse and this really is the end for the city. Connor ends up dead, with a pretty weak death scene, as does everyone else, but I forgive the weakness of these scenes since they are all reserected at the end. I love the Ancient Being that possessed Wesley, all I hope is you focus on him a bit more. The whole destruction of L.A. works very well and really gives us an idea of how bad it really is.
Then comes Angel, where The Powers That Be Agent gives Angel a mission to retrieve a sword, which just feels like, and is, a Deus Ex Machina. We have been told TPTB are the big power in the universe, controlling destiny yet they need a sword to save L.A.? I'm not convinced.
The whole Japanese section is bland. The Gatekeeper and Hakuta Matatu were not very memorable or interesting. Then came the ninjas. For some reason, I just can't take ninjas seriiously no matter where it is or in what context. But I'm confused how beating 20 ninjas earns you trust.
Cordelia sneaks off and steals the sword, Angel kicks Hakutas ass. He gives the sword to TPTB. They restore L.A. but everything is already destroyed. Lilah shows up (Yay), Angel goes on a long speech about how he figured everything out, which works well. He then kills himself so the Senior Partners reverse time to the night of the fall of the Circle.
Everyone re-connects which is good, yet it would have been interesting and more realistic is alot of they're issues continued. But it still puts a full stop for the end of this arc. Angel is once again taken to talk to the TPTB Agent and Cordelia is brought back from the dead. Now I'll see how this arc pans out, but I'm not big on it at the moment. I felt like her story came to a satisfying conclusion in You're Welcome.
This time around, the episode felt split between the good and the bad. The good was the L.A. side, while Angels side was too bland. I won't use the Ninja scene in my overall, since I am too bias towards them.
Overall, I give this a 6/10 Bad stuff mixed in with the good. Little bit more good than bad though.
VPN Community Member
Post by Carey on Apr 11, 2011 18:31:44 GMT -6
Outcasts - Along Came A Spider
This is the start of a potentially great series. To draw viewers in, however, you need a good start. And this pilot does that well. Mostly.
The plot is the weakest part of the episode. It really doesn't have one. It's more of an introduction to the characters and the creation of Xavior's school than anything, which it does well.
Norman/Green Goblin is a decent villian to start off with but here, the just felt like filler. The fight scene with Spider-Girl was good, but wasn't nessaccary.
That's the bad, the good however, is very good. My favorite part is the Melanie/MJ dynamic. There friendship, and possible lesbian subtext (Could be completely off here, might just be my male brain and fantasies) really bring the script to life.
The setting up of the school were pretty neat. Although I am still confused as to why Xavier needed Spider-Girl with him when they went to Euphoria. Also, having Mystique was cool, her sneaking around in the shadows, learning all she could from Xavier. Definitely want to see more of her.
This is one pretty decent pilot, bar a few problems. If the series is practically as good as this episode, then you will have yourself one hell of a good series.
Overall, I give this: 7/10 Flawed in places but the characers and/or plot bring it up.
VPN Community Member
Post by Carey on Apr 12, 2011 2:55:17 GMT -6
Angel - Reward
I'm back to reviewing! Alright, time to get back intoAngel
Bringing Drusilla and the Immortal was a good move. They are good villians for Angel and gang, although defeated kinda easily.
Spike doubting Angel was another good point in this, although trusting Drucilla and the Immortal made little sense. Wouldn't Spike trust Angel just a bit more than Drucilla?
Bringing Angeleus into the game was one of the best moves this season. I love him. Sad he didn't last long, but better than nothing I suppose.
Cordelia. How I hate her. She never was a favourite of mine and I hate her even more this season. Critising Angel and gang for just about everything they do. Just a personal point here.
This episode was pretty good, if a little lackluster. Overall, I give this episode: 7/10 Flawed in places but the characers and/or plot bring it up.
VPN Community Member
Post by Carey on Apr 12, 2011 2:55:41 GMT -6
Angel - Back In Business
This episode is probably the best so far this season. Both plots this episode were interesting and well-written.
So Wolfram and Hart is back? They don't waste any time getting to work. They manage to decieve and capture Angel. After escaping, he gets some books on the Wolf, The Ram and the Hart. Doesn't seem like much, but it was quite interesting.
The other plot was also damn good. My biggest complaint was that it was trying to say that humans can be worse than demons, yet the guy wasn't really human anymore. Besides that, everything else was good.
Angel Investigations trully are back in business. Overall, I give this episode: 8/10 Some flaws here and there but the character development and/or plot makes us overlook those.
VPN Community Member
Post by Carey on Apr 12, 2011 2:56:18 GMT -6
Angel - Bloodlust
Another good episode. Offically the best in season 6. After a rocky start, the season started to get good. Sadly its over but at least its a good end.
Once again, Angeleus returns. Lock him up inside the hotel with all his friends is quite scary. He manages to kill Kate, Gunn and Holland all in one episode. There needs to be more villians like him.
Wolfram and Hart are really not waiting around anymore. Although we will never see what happens next, I imagine it wouldn't be good.
My only complaint this time is the whole Angel/Angeleus switching thing wasn't well explained. And the small amount of Spike and Illyria was also sad.
This continuation was a good one, and I wished it continued on. However, for a last episode, it was good.
Overall, I give this: 9/10 Slightly flawed, but very good character development and plot.
VPN Community Member
Post by Carey on Apr 15, 2011 21:19:02 GMT -6
The Outcasts - Along Came A Spider (Version 2)
I like the changes. I've got a good idea why Xavier wants Spider-Girl to help, and the whole connection with Mystique, Norman and the Green Goblin was good. Really love it.